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Just one extra good deed per week by each American - what a difference that would  make in our wonderful country. Let's shoot for that one good deed, starting today; something even as simple as a smile.  


"Not Meant to be Preachy - Do The Right Thing America is About Free Choice"

We are aware that the phrase to Do The Right Thing might be seen as being “Preachy”, which is not our intent. We feel the phrase should be a personal thing and is a choice people need to make for themselves.

 Freedom of choice is something we Americans believe in our souls, which is why we fight to protect that right when it is in jeopardy. Yes, we all are human, therefore infected by frailties, and some of our choices end up being mistakes, which are recognized only after achieving poor results. But those mistakes, if recognized, are the seeds of corrective creativity, and why we are so lucky to live in a country like ours. That is why we developed the Decision Cycle as a tool to help make better choices.

“What is the Decision Cycle?”








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Copyright © 2009 Do The Right Thing America. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: 11/26/09